Save time managing your Instagram accounts

A Smarter way to auto post on instagram

Schedule your posts to any future date

A Smarter way to
Auto Post on Instagram

What is instagram robot?

This Robot can find awesome unique real follower for your page, whit location & hashtag or other pages

Manage your accounts

The following features to help you save time

Multi Instagram Accounts

Post the same content to all accounts

Photo, Story, Video & Album

Automatically post all content

Schedule Posts

You don't need to worry about managment

Premium Modules

Follow, Unfollow, Like, Comment, Direct Message And Re-Post
1 Day Free Test


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logged in successfully.

Go to dashboard

Try Mass Story Actions right now!

we were able to create a much better way - Mass Story Actions, and then it has become popular by our service. The proper selection of your audience can give you up to 100 000 real followers, likes, comments, statistics growth. Your Insta will grow increasingly bigger like a snowball. And this is only the beginning of the start of the Mass Story Actions. It will be working for many many years, but it is always better to start usings as soon as possible, as you can get the best results right now.

Make the difference

Here are features for you

Auto Follow

Auto Unfollow



Auto Direct

Auto Like

Auto Comment

Auto Repost

Hashtag Generator

Multi Instagram Accounts

Auto Post Content

View Stories

Secure password hash

Mobile Responsive


Emoji Compatibility

Insert images from Cloud Drives.

Radib allows you to import images from your
Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive account


How much does it cost to use Radib


$/per month

 Save 11 $ when paid annualy

Annual Price: 89 $

Alfa Package

Page Management

  • Modules
  • Post Management
  • Massvoting
  • Auto Follow Request Approve
  • Sorteos
  • Auto Repost
  • Auto Like
  • Auto Comment
  • Auto DM (New Followers)
  • Hashtag Generator
  • Auto Follow
  • Auto Unfollow
  • Spintax Support
  • Post Types:
  • Photo, Video
  • Story (Photo+Video)
  • Album (Photo+Video)

  • Cloud Import:
  • Not available
  • Storage:
  • 250MB


$/per month

 Save 14 $ when paid annualy

Annual Price: 134 $

Beta Package

Page Management

  • Modules
  • Post Management
  • Massvoting
  • Auto Follow Request Approve
  • Sorteos
  • Auto Repost
  • Auto Like
  • Auto Comment
  • Auto DM (New Followers)
  • Hashtag Generator
  • Auto Follow
  • Auto Unfollow
  • Spintax Support
  • Post Types:
  • Photo, Video
  • Story (Photo+Video)
  • Album (Photo+Video)

  • Cloud Import:
  • Storage:
  • 350MB


$/per month

 Save 9 $ when paid annualy

Annual Price: 169 $

Gama Package

Page Management

  • Modules
  • Post Management
  • Massvoting
  • Auto Follow Request Approve
  • Sorteos
  • Auto Repost
  • Auto Like
  • Auto Comment
  • Auto DM (New Followers)
  • Hashtag Generator
  • Auto Follow
  • Auto Unfollow
  • Spintax Support
  • Post Types:
  • Photo, Video
  • Story (Photo+Video)
  • Album (Photo+Video)

  • Cloud Import:
  • Storage:
  • 550MB


$/per month

 Save 26 $ when paid annualy

Annual Price: 194 $

Delta Package

Get followers and VIP page management

  • Modules
  • Post Management
  • Massvoting
  • Auto Follow Request Approve
  • Sorteos
  • Auto Repost
  • Auto Like
  • Auto Comment
  • Auto DM (New Followers)
  • Hashtag Generator
  • Auto Follow
  • Auto Unfollow
  • Spintax Support
  • Post Types:
  • Photo, Video
  • Story (Photo+Video)
  • Album (Photo+Video)

  • Cloud Import:
  • Storage:
  • 760MB


$/per month

 Save 14 $ when paid annualy

Annual Price: 254 $

Zeta Package

Get followers and VIP page management

  • Modules
  • Post Management
  • Massvoting
  • Auto Follow Request Approve
  • Sorteos
  • Auto Repost
  • Auto Like
  • Auto Comment
  • Auto DM (New Followers)
  • Hashtag Generator
  • Auto Follow
  • Auto Unfollow
  • Spintax Support
  • Post Types:
  • Photo, Video
  • Story (Photo+Video)
  • Album (Photo+Video)

  • Cloud Import:
  • Storage:
  • 1.37GB


$/per month

 Save 14 $ when paid annualy

Annual Price: 584 $

Sigma Package

Get followers and VIP page management

  • Modules
  • Post Management
  • Massvoting
  • Auto Follow Request Approve
  • Sorteos
  • Auto Repost
  • Auto Like
  • Auto Comment
  • Auto DM (New Followers)
  • Hashtag Generator
  • Auto Follow
  • Auto Unfollow
  • Spintax Support
  • Post Types:
  • Photo, Video
  • Story (Photo+Video)
  • Album (Photo+Video)

  • Cloud Import:
  • Storage:
  • 1.95GB


$/per month

 Save 33 $ when paid annualy

Annual Price: 805 $

بسته امگا

Get followers and VIP page management

  • Modules
  • Post Management
  • Massvoting
  • Auto Follow Request Approve
  • Sorteos
  • Auto Repost
  • Auto Like
  • Auto Comment
  • Auto DM (New Followers)
  • Hashtag Generator
  • Auto Follow
  • Auto Unfollow
  • Spintax Support
  • Post Types:
  • Photo, Video
  • Story (Photo+Video)
  • Album (Photo+Video)

  • Cloud Import:
  • Storage:
  • 2.93GB


$/per month

 Save 39 $ when paid annualy

Annual Price: 1279 $

بسته امگا +

Get followers and VIP page management

  • Modules
  • Post Management
  • Massvoting
  • Auto Follow Request Approve
  • Sorteos
  • Auto Repost
  • Auto Like
  • Auto Comment
  • Auto DM (New Followers)
  • Hashtag Generator
  • Auto Follow
  • Auto Unfollow
  • Spintax Support
  • Post Types:
  • Photo, Video
  • Story (Photo+Video)
  • Album (Photo+Video)

  • Cloud Import:
  • Storage:
  • 4.88GB


$/per month

 Save 44 $ when paid annualy

Annual Price: 2294 $

بسته امگا ++

Get followers and VIP page management

  • Modules
  • Post Management
  • Massvoting
  • Auto Follow Request Approve
  • Sorteos
  • Auto Repost
  • Auto Like
  • Auto Comment
  • Auto DM (New Followers)
  • Hashtag Generator
  • Auto Follow
  • Auto Unfollow
  • Spintax Support
  • Post Types:
  • Photo, Video
  • Story (Photo+Video)
  • Album (Photo+Video)

  • Cloud Import:
  • Storage:
  • 6.84GB

Schedule Posts

Radib allows you to schedule your posts at a future date to save
time. You don't even need to log-in and out of various platforms